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Banking marketing is one of the most important challenges for the financial sector, which is facing a major transformation due to the digital revolution.
Banking marketing is one of the most important challenges for the financial sector, which is facing a major transformation due to the digital revolution. The banking digitization process has been suddenly driven by the change in the business model: the emergence of fintech companies and a change in the mentality of banking customers are just some of the reasons that have led to a process of digitization that requires a new way of doing marketing.
Bank marketing finds its great opportunity in search: search engines are essential in any online strategy aimed at selling financial products. But it is not the only way. The challenges of financial marketing in a society that is already digital there are many in a scenario of strong technological competitors, and that is why an adequate banking marketing strategy can make the difference in achieving or not achieving a good position in the market.
Clients are not numbers in an excel table, they are people with a family, a job, a handful of experiences and also some needs. That's why getting them excited and making them feel challenged is one of the great challenges of bank marketing. Above all, after society's loss of confidence in banks, and in a scenario in which products hardly have any major differences between some brands and others.
Knowing the emotions of consumers linked to banking helps to generate financial marketing strategies. According to the study "Emotions in the banking sector for individuals in Spain", by EMO Insights International, in the financial sector there appear positive emotions such as trust, surprise, joy or gratitude among users who are thinking of contracting or who have already contracted a product of this type. On the other hand, they also underlie negative emotions such as irritation, frustration, disappointment, or insecurity. Working on strategies that support positive emotions and mitigate negative ones can be very helpful when implementing a financial marketing plan.
If you are thinking of implementing new marketing strategies for your business, remember that you can contact us. Our team will give you the keys to draw up a successful financial marketing strategy. We have extensive experience in advertising for banking entities and we know the sector very well.
Hill Planet SL has been a beneficiary of the European Regional Development Fund whose objective is to improve the competitiveness of SMEs and thanks to which it has launched an International Digital Marketing Plan with the aim of improving its online positioning in foreign markets during the year 2022 For this, it has had the support of the XPANDE DIGITAL Program of the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce.
HILL PLANET SL has been a beneficiary of the SUSTAINABILITY 2022 program of the European Regional Development Fund whose objective is to promote sustainable business development through the Implementation of Tools for Teleworking action. This action has taken place during 2022. For this, it has had the support of the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce. “A way of making Europe.
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