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How to use the Google Adwords search terms report

The Google AdWords search terms report can become the best ally for your SEO strategy, we tell you how to use it!


First of all, you need to understand the difference between keywords and search terms. While the search terms represent what the user types in Google's query when you want to find certain information, the keywords or keywords are the terms that we have inserted in the Google Adwords account when setting up a campaign.

For example, if we have carried out a campaign to sell bridal shoes, we will have added keywords such as “bridal shoes”, cheap bridal shoes” or buy bridal shoes”. The user, for his part, may have inserted numerous search terms that coincided with our keywords such as "what are the cheapest bridal shoes" or "where to find cheap bridal shoes", for example, thus activating our ad .


To view the Google AdWords search terms report, go to Campaigns >> Keywords >> Search Terms. There you will see a list within the campaign in which the terms that the users who have clicked on the ads have used to activate it are exposed.

73% of clients arrive with the wrong approach to the keywords to work with


This report can help us in numerous aspects of our SEM strategy:

1- Include new keywords in different matches – Thanks to this report we can detect some keywords that until now we had not identified, which will allow us to add them to our campaign to improve your performance.

2- Find negative words – We will also find some search terms for which we are not interested in appearing as, returning to the initial example “second-hand bridal shoes”. So we must include the keyword "second-hand" as a negative, avoiding going out in this kind of queries that do not give us anything.

3- Segment the campaign by creating new groups – For the search terms that are most relevant to our business and have the most impressions and clicks, it's a good idea to create a new ad group with those new keywords that we've found. This way we will segment the campaign even more and we will be able to obtain more benefits.

Have you seen such a simple way to take advantage of a Google Adwords resource to achieve better results? Put it into practice!

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