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Factors that determine the trustworthiness of the content on a website

In previous posts we have already talked about the importance of trust in the world of digital marketing, given that users look for websites that are trustworthy in every way. Today we are going to expose one by one, in order of priority, which are the most essential trust factors for users:

  • Content Characteristics – The content must meet a series of requirements to be reliable. Taking care of aspects such as spelling, grammar, the type of language used, style or the presence of quick answers to the most common questions from users, is essential if we want our website to be successful. And of course it has to be a quality content, that provides something relevant to users.
  • Data – It is not enough that you say so, the content of your website must contain data that proves that your statements are true. Links, references and citations, are vital in this factor.
  • Reputation – Whether we like it or not, our reputation also influences the reliability of our website. The respect that an already consolidated brand generates is not the same as one that is beginning to grow, the latter will have a harder time gaining the trust of users. Typically, users scroll to the “about us” section to learn more about a publisher they don't know, in order to assess your authority.
  • Prestige in networks – Social networks have become another part of our lives, being a channel we go to when we want to know if a page is reliable or not. Comments, likes or visits to content are indicators of this.
  • Advertising - This is one of the most neglected factors, but the truth is that the presence of advertising, as well as the quantity and quality of the ads, says a lot about a web page. The user thinks that the more advertisers they have and the higher quality they are, the better the site in question will be.
  • Security – Another vital aspect is safety. Nobody wants to put their personal information at risk, so we have to equip our website with different security mechanisms such as encryption, authenticity and checking that we don't have any viruses lurking around us.
  • Date – Would you pay attention to a content with an antiquity date of more than three years? Probably the answer is negative since in the network what prevails is immediacy and new content.
  • aesthetic appearance – The first impression of a website is determined by its design and aesthetics. Users will flee web pages with a Web design that is not pleasant to them while they will remain in those that have one that makes them feel comfortable.
  • High quality images – Images facilitate the reading of content on the Internet, hence the presence of high-quality visual elements such as photographs and graphics is valued.

Does your website meet all these trust factors or is it time to make improvements? Consider it because with a few simple changes, you can obtain a large number of benefits by making your website one hundred percent reliable.

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