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How to configure your website under HTTPS

When you enter your web page from Chrome, does a message appear indicating that it is not secure? Then you must configure your website under HTTPS as soon as possible!

And it is that for almost two months, Google began to store the data of the pages that are under HTTPS to include a message in the navigation specifying that they are safe, while with the rest the message that is shown is the opposite "is not safe”.

Configuring your website under HTTPS is essential to guarantee the privacy of your users' data.

If you have an online store, you can already imagine the bad image that this will cause you, or does someone want to buy from a store that is marked as not secure by one of the most important browsers? That is why it is essential that you implement HTTPS on your website if you do not want to see how your number of visits and conversions plummet. How to do it? We explain it to you in 4 steps:

Check that your server accepts HTTPS requests

Try to access your web page using HTTPS, if you can do it, even if the “it is not secure” ad appears, your server does accept these requests. Otherwise, you will have to contact the person who administers it so that they can configure it properly for you.

Install a valid certificate to perform transfers under HTTPS

If you have been able to access your site but the usual message has appeared, this is because you are not using a valid HTTPS certificate.

In the market you will find many certificates and of different types, depending on the kind of business model you have, you will need a more or less extensive one. For example, if you have an e-commerce in which bank details are obviously handled, it is convenient that you buy a complete certificate that guarantees the security of your users, while if your website is simply corporate, a basic certificate will suffice. to protect the data of your users when they download one of your contents.

To install the certificate, you will again need the help of professionals. It is essential that this work is carried out by an expert in the field because otherwise it could cause serious damage to your website.

Configure the necessary redirects

Be careful at this step because it is INDISPENSABLE! Once you have your web page under the HTTPS system, you must carry out all the necessary redirections. Why? Because Google understands that the old version and the HTTPS version are completely different, so it could interpret that you have duplicate content and redirect errors that can seriously affect your SEO.

But don't worry, making this change is easier than you think. If your site is WordPress, first of all you must change the URL so that it uses HTTPS. How? Going to the administrator, clicking on general settings and inserting HTTPS in the URLs of the WordPress and site address fields.

Then, you can focus on making the routing. Check the result thoroughly so that there are no errors that could cause you problems.

Check that everything is correct

At this point your website should be operating correctly, but we have to check it to avoid unpleasant surprises.

  • Verify that when you enter your web page through http you are automatically redirected to the HTTPS version.
  • Check that the padlock and the "it's safe" message appear in green next to the address of your website.
  • Examine every corner of your website to make sure there are no addressing errors.

In this simple but effective way, you will have managed to make your website accept the HTTPS system and appear as secure, avoiding a drop in the number of conversions and/or visits to your site.

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