How to improve your marketing strategy in customer service
Whenever we think about implementing a marketing strategy, we focus on what we can see, such as the brand logo, how the product is advertised... However, we overlook intangible details such as the importance of Customer Support.
It is possible that we have a good product, but we do not know how to sell it. Or even that, when the client has a problem, he receives a cold treatment and feels that nothing is solved. In these cases, the relationship between company and client suffers, and the company's sales could be affected.
The simple act of saying hello, talking to a person, understanding their problem and saying thank you can make our clients feel cared for and create a stronger relationship. Therefore, customer service is essential to implement the marketing strategy that we want to carry out, and that is why we tell you what you must take into account to achieve success.
Make an effort to get to know the client and their needs
This is essential both when the marketing strategy is being designed and when it has been implemented. Knowing the target audience of the product and what they expect from it is essential to respond in the most appropriate way possible. In this way, listening, understanding and empathizing with what they are asking for is key in customer service, as they will be more satisfied.
Carry out follow-ups, surveys or ask your customers that they have been satisfied that they value the product and the customer service will give you clues as to whether the approach you are taking is correct or not.
However, it is also true that it is recommended to follow up with those clients who they were not so happy (either with customer service or with the product) and who have filed complaints. This will give us some clues about what could be wrong or what can be improved in our relationship with the consumer.
Show appreciation and care for your customers
When users choose your company to cover their needs, the most serious mistake you can make is not showing interest in it.
When the customer feels cared for, the message he receives is that it is worth trust your product and that you have not wasted time, For this, it is not necessary to make large investments. As we said at the beginning, sometimes it is as simple as saying hello and thanking them for coming to your company.
Avoid universal messages
Currently there is a tendency to use “model” messages that fit in similar situations. This saves time and increases efficiency. However, you can be just as efficient by spending a few more minutes responding to the customer.
Assigning the same employee or salesperson to serve the consumer throughout the process or asking them to identify themselves can make the difference between a Satisfactory experience for the user and one that is not.
The "no" is forbidden
Let's imagine that customer service is a game in which it is forbidden to use the word no. When the solution depends on an external agent or may take some time, it is best to inform the client of what is happening. This will avoid causing the customer to feel that their problem may not have a solution.
For example, in a call where the customer wants to complain that the product did not arrive on time, you have two options. One is to say that it does not depend on you and that you do not know what has happened. Another is to say that you will call the companies that collaborate with you in the delivery of the product to find out what has happened. Even reading these two options you will appreciate the disinterest and lack of care that is given in the first.
Get your human resources team to be the best
When they contact your company, the last thing your customers want is to talk to a machine and always hear the same message. People thus become your best ally, but for this, you also need to have a team that works orderly and flawless manner.
train your team to respond in the most appropriate way possible to each situation can be key to success.
Your employees are going to face difficult situations many times, so showing them how they can react will help them stay calm. In addition, previously teaching them the characteristics of the product they have to sell can sometimes mean that users end up hiring more than they were looking for. The attitude of your employees will change and your marketing strategy will succeed.
Use tools that help your team
Giving the right treatment is a fundamental element, but if the right tools are not provided, it is very likely that it will not be effective. Combining human treatment with technology It can be the differentiating element in your company in terms of customer service.
The key is to find tools that allow you to take advantage of time in the best possible way and that increase efficiency. For example, when receiving calls, a switchboard could greatly facilitate your tasks.
Virtual switchboards are currently revolutionizing customer service, since many work through WebRTC. With this technology you will be able to serve your customers in a much simpler way, since you can do it from anywhere and any device, without the need for additional installations. If you want to know more you have all information here.
In addition, you will be able to incorporate functionalities that will improve your customer service, such as caller identification. This will allow you to carry out subsequent actions like the one we were talking about before assigning a specific agent to a client.
With these simple tips you can ensure that the preparation and implementation of a marketing campaign is not a complicated task. you just have to identify opportunities with which you have in your business and find the right items help you take advantage of them.