What content is the most effective on social networks?
Surely if you have worked as a community manager this question has haunted you for a long time. And it is very difficult to know what is the most effective content on social networks, especially because what works with one account can be a real disaster in another.
In the world of social networks, everything depends on our sector and the type of public we are addressing, there is no magic formula, however, we are going to show you some examples of the content that, in general, tends to present better results.
Try different content on your social networks until you find the one that is most effective for your target audience.
Surveys, sentences to complete: the contents that invite interaction
Social networks are conversation. They are interaction. People like to comment, talk, share, etc… Perhaps that is why one of the most effective content on social networks is the one that invites interaction. For example, an open survey or a sentence with a blank space that has to be filled in by users are some of the most successful content on social networks.
The classic “like” vs “share”
We see it often on social networks and it is one of those classics that never fails. It is about putting an image with two options and that users respond with a "like" if they opt for the first, or with a "share" if they prefer the second option.
It is a content that also invites interaction but has managed to establish itself as one of the most used due to its versatility and good results.
You will sanctify the holidays
This type of content has its detractors on social networks, but no one can deny that it is not effective. Greeting the holidays, whatever it may be, whether it's Christmas, Valentine's Day or International Women's Day, is always synonymous with success on social networks. Now, yes, it is not enough to just put a traditional greeting, you have to be creative and seek to stand out above the rest, otherwise, it will not stop being one more publication among a million.
Games to create community
Who said that corporate social networks are not for fun? They are too. And a lot. And it is that if you want to create a community in your social networks, games cannot be missing.
With games we mean putting a riddle or making a design with a word search that contains words related to our brand, just as Nutella did in the example that we show you below.
Games are fun and always bring people together.
Contests with exclusive gifts
Raise your hand who doesn't like to get prizes! Oops, I don't see any hands raised... Well, no wonder, everyone likes to get prizes and exclusive discounts and that's why contests are one of the most effective content on Facebook.
Try to be creative when designing your contests and come up with strategies that will help you both retain your customers and increase the number of your followers on social networks. How to do this? Well, making it mandatory to participate in the contest to be a follower of the page and name a couple of friends. In this way, users will make your page known to their friends, which will increase the visibility of your brand and the possibilities of getting new followers.
Videos, the ally of engagement
For some time now, the contents that get the most comments and likes on networks are videos. Share videos on your social networks in which you tell stories about your products, services or the history of your company. They must be videos of a certain quality, that is, they must meet minimum technical requirements. And they must have good content, of course. Currently, videos are the content that generates the best engagement, so take advantage of them.
These are the contents that usually achieve a better result, but as we mentioned at the beginning of this post, there is no magic manual on social networks, so our advice is that try, try and try again.
Change the format, content and style of publications until you find those that generate the best responses among your users. You will see how after a while you are clear about what your users like the most and what you should avoid!